We use a range of techniques to reduce pain, improve function and increase mobility, including hands-on manipulation of the spine.
Please call 020 8566 3757 for an appointment
As a Neuroworks patient you can expect to receive special attention. You will follow an individual path through assessment and diagnosis, to treatment and review, tailored to your needs.
Whether you attend with a neurological or musculoskeletal condition we will examine for any underlying neurological dysfunction that may be causing or maintaining your symptoms.
Chiropractic is a regulated primary healthcare profession. Chiropractors are very well trained to diagnose, treat, manage and prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, and muscles), as well as the effects these disorders can have on the nervous system and general health. Although having a specialist interest in neck and back pain, patients also consult us regarding a range of other conditions. When you are assessed your entire wellbeing will be taken into account.
We use a range of techniques to reduce pain, improve function and increase mobility, including hands-on manipulation of the spine. At Neuroworks we are able to offer a broad package of care which will include a number of therapies including:
- Highly specialised chiropractic manipulation
- Soft tissue/muscle techniques
- Cold Laser
- Electrotherapy
- Dry Needling (Acupuncture)
- Specific Exercises
- Therapeutic/ Lifestyle/ Posture and Sports Advice
- Taping and support
- Orthotics

On arriving at Neuroworks we ask you to fill in some health history and assessment forms to help us understand how your condition affects you. When you meet your chiropractor for the first time, you will start with a discussion about you, your health and your reasons for asking for chiropractic care. You may bring a friend or family member to accompany you during your consultation if you wish.
Next, with your consent, we undertake a physical, orthopaedic and neurological examination. We will make you feel comfortable and explain procedures before and during the examination. You might be required to undress to your underwear and we supply ladies with a gown that fastens at the back.
After assessment a diagnosis will be given to you. Your chiropractor will then discuss a treatment plan that suits your individual needs and likely outcomes. We welcome any questions you might have and if chiropractic appears not to be suitable for you, you will be referred to your GP or relevant specialist.
We can usually commence treatment at your initial appointment, unless you require further investigation (eg. X-Ray or MRI etc) or onward referral.
Your details are confidential. No one else will be allowed to see your notes without your permission.

Over the last decade with the aid of science and technology, we are more familiar with the human brain and its function than ever before. The brain requires constant and appropriate sensory stimulation to stay healthy. It can be activated and stimulated in specific ways to produce long-term changes through a process known as neuroplasticity. This is a natural process that occurs during the learning of a new skill, but can also be harnessed to aid healing.
We help patients recover the ability of physical actions with many strategies including balance retraining, gait training, visual and eye movement training. We will suggest strategies that help with your activities of daily living.
At Neuroworks we will assess your neurological function/status with a traditional neurological/physical examination and, if required, specialised tests.